New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday addressed the upper house of the parliament. PM Modi's addresses circled around the issue of demonetisation and Black money. Below are the major highlights of what PM Modi said in Rajya Sabha will addressing the fellow parliamentarians.
"The fight against corruption and black money is not a political fight. It is not to single out any particular party", said PM Modi
Corruption has adversely impacted the aspirations of the poor and the middle class: PM
We will have to be tough on those who are cheating the system. When we do that, the hands of the poor will be strengthened: PM
About 700 Maoists surrendered after demonetisation and this number is increasing. Shouldn't this make us happy: PM
There is a horizontal divide-on one side are the people of India and Government, and on the other side are a group of political leaders: PM Modi
Today India is working to correct the wrongs that entered our society: PM
"The government and people have worked together on note ban. The Country's 125 cr people have worked to take out the bad in them. It is praise worthy" says PM Narendra Modi
PM Modi also said that "For almost 35 years, Manmohan Singh ji had a lot of influence on country's economic policies, there was no fingers pointed at him during this regime. But, only he knows how to shower in bathroom wearing a rain coat"
So much was said about what is wrong with the nation; perhaps they were giving a report card of their own record: PM Modi
"Along with digital payments, we need to fulfill the small aspirations of people" said PM Modi
Dragging RBI into the whole controversy was not required: PM Modi
Congratulate media for furthering the message of Swachh Bharat and creating so much awareness: PM