Special Trains in Tamil Nadu: Five special trains will run in Tamil Nadu, as approved by Railway Board, Southern Railway announced on Thursday night.

In a release, the Southern Railway has stated  "as approved by Railway  Board vide reference cited, the following special trains wll be run with effect from the dates indicated as fully reserved services as per the timings and stoppages detailed."

  1. T.No 02675/02676 Chennai-Coimbatore-Chennai Superfast Intercity special

  2. T.No 02084/02083 Coimbatore-Mayiladuthurai-Coimbatore Janshatabdi Special (except Tuesdays)

  3. T No 02679/02680 Chennai-Coimbatore-Chennai Superfast Express Special

  4. T No 02673/02674 Chennai-Coimbatore-Chennai Superfast Express Special

  5. T No 06795/06796 Chennai Egmore- Tiruchirapalli-Chennai Egmore Special

It is important to note that on August 14 Southern Railway had extended the cancellation of the special trains operated in the State till August 31 except for the running of a special superfast train between New Delhi and Dr. MGR Chennai Central Station.

Here is the full list of resumed train services with
timings and stoppages.