New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday launched the global mass movement, LiFe - Lifestyle for Environment on the occasion of World Environment Day. During his address, PM Modi said that "human-centric, robust and collective actions" are the need of the hour which will further sustainable actions given that we are well-known to the challenged of planet Earth. 

He said that we have "Only One Earth" slogan to focus for living sustainably and in harmony with nature. 

"This World Environment Day we have 'Only One Earth' slogan with a focus on living sustainably in harmony with nature. Our planet's challenges are well known to all of us. The need of the hour is human-centric, collective and robust actions that further the sustainable actions," said PM Modi. 

He futher suggested to follow the "reduce-reuse-recycle" principle and slogan of "One Earth Many Efforts" adding that India will "stand in support of any effort to furhter global wellness." 

"The vision of LiFE is to live a lifestyle that is in tune with our planet and does not harm it. And those who live such a lifestyle are called Pro-Planet People. Mission LiFE borrows from the past, operates in the present and focuses on the future," he added. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech said that India's commitment to reach 40 percent of installed electricity capacity from non fossil fuels based sources has been achieved nine years ahead of schedule. He further said that energy saving of about 50 billion units of electricity per year has been done adding that 40 milllion tons of carbon dioxide per year has been reduced. "Achieved 10 percent ethanol blending five months ahead of November 22 target," he added. 

The launch event was attended by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation co-chairman Bill Gates, Climate Economist Lord Nicholas Stern, Nudge Theory author Professor Cass Sunstein, Nudge Theory CEO and President Aniruddha Dasgupta, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Global Head Inger Andersen, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Global Head Achim Steiner and World Bank President David Malpass among others.