Patna: Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tej Pratap Yadav, who has always drawn eyeballs, be it for dressing like Lord Krishna and playing the flute or blowing the conch shell, has now started a new business in the name of his parents – former Bihar chief ministers Lalu Prasad Yadav and Rabri Devi.
Tej Pratap has launched a range of fragrance incense sticks with the name ‘LR’ brand.
He has also opened a showroom for marketing the brand.
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The RJD supporters are calling the ‘LR’ brand – Lalu and Rabri brand because the names of the former chief ministers start with these letters. It is, however, being said that the brand’s real name is ‘Longest and Richer’.
Tej Pratap has begun the work of making incense sticks from flowers in his father’s cow shelters (Lalu Khataal) in Danapur and Patna.
A showroom has also been set up to sell these incense sticks. However, the most surprising part is that the showroom has not been built in any mall, shopping complex or markets but in the cow shelters (khataal) in Danapur and Patna.
The cow shelters, which were earlier reserved for the RJD supremo’s cows and buffaloes, now witness the work of making incense sticks. When the incense sticks are ready, they are decorated in the showroom for sale.
Tej Pratap, who very often visits the cow shelters to take note of the works done, also inquires about the same over the phone.
What’s more striking is that the flowers offered in the temples are used for making incense sticks. Moreover, the wood used in these incense sticks is not bamboo but coconut leaves. It has been claimed that no chemicals are used in these incense sticks.
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The incense sticks prepared in these cow shelters are of different fragrances, which have been named Krishna Leela Agarbatti, Barsana Agarbatti and Sewa Kunj Agarbatti.
Besides incense sticks, many items related to worship are sold in the showroom.
The RJD’s election symbol lantern hangs in the ‘LR’ showroom in these cow shelters.