New Delhi: Stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra has sent a legal notice to IndiGo Airlines, to revoke the suspension from flying for a period of 6 months with immediate effect. Kamra has demanded Rs 25 lakhs as compensation and has asked IndiGo to revoke suspension with immediate effect and tender unconditional apology.

The comedian decided to send a legal notice to the IndiGo days after the airline banned him for a six-month period for allegedly heckling journalist Arnab Goswami on a flight.

In a legal notice sent to the airline on Friday, Kamra's lawyer asked the airline to "pay compensation towards my client in sum of Rs 25 lakhs on account of the mental pain and agony suffered by my client as well as losses incurred on account of cancellation of his scheduled shows and programmes in India as well as aborad on account of adoption of a totally illegal, arbitrary and high-handed procedure which is against the extant DGCA CAR (regulations)".

While IndiGo suspended Kamra from flying with it for a period of six months, Air India banned him until further notice. After IndiGo & Air India, SpiceJet too followed the suit without specifying any period.

A video, posted by Kamra on his social media account, went viral in which he's allegedly heckling Editor-in-Chief of Republic TV Arnab Goswami aboard a Mumbai-Lucknow plane of the private airline.

In the video, Arnab is seen watching something on his laptop with earphones plugged in whereas Kunal (background voice) is heckling him. Throughout the video, the journalist does not react or even look towards the camera.