Poet Kumar Vishwas has sparked a fresh row with his remarks on celebrities. At a programme organised at a private university in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, poet Kumar Vishwas asked why would celebrities name their children after invaders. Although he did not directly name Saif Ali Khan or the actor's son, Taimur, he made enough references to make it clear he was referring to the duo.
A video of his comments has since gone viral on social media, prompting reactions from various quarters.
Samajwadi Party leader Udayveer Singh slammed Kumar Vishwas for his remarks. He said, "Kumar Vishwas represents the violence wing of Bharatiya Janata Party politics. To fulfil his political ambitions, he is making baseless statements. This is unbecoming and highly inappropriate. Dragging the children of film personalities, who have nothing to do with politics, into such discussions is disgraceful."
The BJP, however, backed Vishwas. BJP leader and UP minister Daya Shankar Singh said: "People have the freedom to name their children but it must reflect the culture and ethos of India. Taimur was a destroyer and plundered. People of India will not accept it."
What Did Kumar Vishwas Say About Taimur And Saif?
Speaking on stage in Moradabad, Kumar Vishwas remarked, "Those living in the world of glamour must understand what the nation desires. This won't work anymore — you take fame from us, money from us, we buy tickets and make heroines & heroes. But the child from your third marriage is named after some lame invader."
In the viral video, Vishwas can be heard saying, "There are so many names that you could have chosen. But you named your child after that rapist. Now, if you want to make him a hero, we won't let him become even a villain. India has awakened after 75 years."
Kumar Vishwas made these comments during a program on the night of December 30-31, attended by senior police and administrative officials as well as prominent political leaders.
Earlier, Vishwas had allegedly commented on the marriage of actress Sonakshi Sinha and her husband Zaheer Khan without naming them. That, too, had drawn reactions from political and film industry figures.