New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Thursday said that Pakistan has blocked all the avenues for remedy in the case pertaining to Indian national Kulbhushan Jhadav case. As per reports, MEA also said that Islamabad's action in the case also exposes its farcical approach towards the judgement of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). ALSO READ | Pakistan Did Not Give Unimpeded & Uninterrupted Consular Access To Kulbhushan Jadhav, Meeting Inconclusive: MEA

The statement by MEA came a day after Pakistan government, in a unilateral move, filed a petition in the Islamabad High Court seeking appointment of a "legal representative" for Jhadav.

However, it was said that the main parties, including the Government of India, have not been consulted ahead of the filing of the application by the Ministry of Law and Justice under a federal ordinance.

The Pakistan government, in the petition, has asked the court to appoint a legal representative for Jadhav so that Pakistan can fulfil its responsibility to see to the implementation of the International Court of Justice's decision, the Pakistani media, including the Geo News, reported.

Jadhav, the 50-year-old retired Indian Navy officer, was sentenced to death by a Pakistani military court on charges of espionage and terrorism in April 2017. India approached the International Court of Justice against Pakistan for denial of consular access to Jadhav and challenging the death sentence.

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The Hague-based ICJ ruled in July 2019 that Pakistan must undertake an "effective review and reconsideration" of the conviction and sentence of Jadhav and also to grant consular access to India without further delay.

India also slammed Pakistan for intimidating and distressing imprisoned Indian citizen Kulbhushan Jadhav during the consular access granted to its officials.

Calling Pakistan "obstructive" and "insincere", the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi said that the consular access was "neither meaningful nor credible".

"On the contrary, Pakistani officials with an intimidating demeanour were present in close proximity of Jadhav and the consular officers despite protests from the Indian side. It was also evident from a camera that was visible that the conversation with Jadhav was being recorded," the statement said.

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"Jadhav himself was visibly under stress and indicated that clearly to the consular officers. The arrangements did not permit a free conversation between them. The consular officers could not engage Jadhav on his legal rights and were prevented from obtaining his written consent for arranging his legal representation," it added.

"It is clear that Pakistan's approach to this matter continues to be obstructive and insincere. It has not only violated its assurance to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to fully implement the 2019 judgement, but also failed to act in accordance with its own ordinance," news agency IANS quoted a MEA spokesperson as saying.

Over the past year, India has requested Pakistan more than 12 times to provide unimpeded, unhindered and unconditional consular access to Jadhav, who remains incarcerated in Pakistani custody since 2016. India recently requested the Pakistani side for an unimpeded, unhindered and unconditional consular access to be provided on July 13.