New Delhi: An Indian woman has been abducted from Taimani area of Kabul and Afghan authorities are trying to secure her release, official sources said on Friday.

Judith D'Souza from Kolkata was working for Aga Khan Foundation, Afghanistan. She was abducted last night.

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The Indian embassy is in touch with Afghan authorities to ensure her safe release.

"Our Embassy is in touch with senior Afghan authorities and the Government is in touch also with her family in Kolkata. All efforts are being made by Afghan authorities to secure her early release," said an official source.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj also assured of taking all efforts in rescuing her.

"I have spoken to the sister of Judith D' Souza (Indian woman abducted in Kabul) ).We will spare no efforts to rescue her," Swaraj said.

In May, the Indian Embassy had issued a security advisory for Indians residing in Afghanistan and travelling to the country.

"All Indians residing and travelling to Afghanistan are advised that the security situation in the country remains highly volatile. Terrorist attacks have taken place in the country against foreigners and are expected to continue. There is also the risk of kidnapping and hostage taking throughout the Afghanistan. The Embassy advises all Indians in Afghanistan to live and work with adequate security precautions," the statement said.