New Delhi: A CISF jawan allegedly shot at two of his colleagues, killing one on the spot and injuring the other, at the Indian Museum in Park Street area in Kolkata on Saturday, news agency PTI reported. According to the report, the jawan used his service weapon to shoot at an assistant sub-inspector and a head constable.

According to the report, the constable who fired is still inside the museum premises and Kolkata Police force has been deployed at the spot.

The incident took place around 6:45pm in the barracks at the museum that is India's "oldest and largest" such facility.

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It is to be noted that the CISF took over the armed security of the museum in December 2019.

The museum, situated in the heart of Kolkata, is an autonomous organisation, under the administrative control of the Union Ministry of Culture.

In a similar incident earlier last June, a Kolkata Police personnel opened fire at the Park Circus in Bhardupur. The shootout took place in front of the Bangladesh High Commission. The policeman named Chaudup Lepcha had opened fire.