K N Tripathi's nomination for the Congress presidential race was denied on Saturday, news agency PTI reported. During a news conference at the Congress headquarters, Madhusudan Mistry, chairman of the AICC Central Election Authority, stated that a total of 20 nomination forms were received during the nomination process, and four of them were rejected. Kharge filled out 14 forms, Tharoor five, and Tripathi one. According to Mistry, Tripathi's form was denied because one of his proposers' signatures did not match another's, and another proposer's signature was repeated.

Party heavyweights, Mallikarjun Kharge and Shashi Tharoor will now compete for the party's nomination, PTI reported. 

Tussle Between Tharoor & Kharge

"I have a vision for the Congress and I will share it with over 9,000 delegates and seek their support. My nomination papers reflect the wide range of support I have received. I have got signatures of party workers from a dozen states. We hope to strengthen the Congress and take the country forward," PTI quoted Tharoor while saying post filing his nomination.

Meanwhile Kharge after filing his nomination said “All leaders, workers, delegates and ministers who came in support of me today, encouraged me, I thank them. We'll see what the results are, on 17th October; hopeful that I win. I have been connected to the ideology of Congress since my childhood, used to campaign for the same Gandhi, Nehru ideology when I was in classes 8th, 9th.

Gandhis as well as G23 leaders seem to be backing Kharge over Tharoor.

Congress Presidential Elections 2022

A notification from the party states that the deadline for withdrawing nominations is October 8 and that the date for nomination documents to be scrutinised is October 1.

On October 8, at 5:00 p.m., the final list of candidates will be made public.

If necessary, the election will be place on October 17. On October 19, the vote-counting process will begin, and the results will be announced that same day.

The vote will be cast by more than 9,000 Pradesh Congress Committee delegates.

The most recent election for party president of the Congress took place in November 2000. Prior to Sitaram Kesri's victory over Sharad Pawar and Rajesh Pilot in 1997, Jitendra Prasada had fallen short to Sonia Gandhi in 2000.