A year after DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin’s remarks on Sanatana Dharma stirred controversy in Tamil Nadu, a new debate has surfaced in Kerala, ignited by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s comments on the revered 19th-century social reformer, Sree Narayana Guru.

During the inauguration of the Sivagiri pilgrimage conference on January 1, Vijayan stated that Sree Narayana Guru, who advocated “one caste, one religion, and one God for all,” neither endorsed nor practiced Sanatana Dharma. Instead, Vijayan claimed that Guru reconstructed it to suit the needs of a new era, as per a report on PTI.

Further, Pinarayi Vijayan stated that Narayana Guru's philosophy went beyond traditional systems, focusing on the welfare of people regardless of their religion or caste.

Swami Satchidananda, the head of Sivagiri Mutt, countered the Chief Minister’s remarks, asserting that there is no connection between Sanatana Dharma and the Chaturvarnya (four-fold caste system). Swami described Sanatana Dharma as an ancient Indian civilization predating modern religions and welcoming all faiths, including Christianity and Islam.

"Sanatana Dharma represents a great civilisation that existed in ancient Bharat long before the emergence of religions worldwide. All religions, including Christianity and Islam, were welcomed in Bharat as part of this civilisation. However, today, Sanatana Dharma is often misconstrued as being synonymous with the Chaturvarnya caste system, which is inaccurate and needs to be rectified," Swami said, as per the report.

Soon, the BJP criticised Vijayan’s statements with Union Minister V Muraleedharan condemning them as “deplorable” and accusing the Chief Minister of challenging Hindu society. BJP leader V Muraleedharan said, " It is highly deplorable that the Kerala CM's statement against 'Sanatana Dharma', he is not ready to withdraw that despite the widespread protest that has arisen across the country. He is challenging the Hindu society..."

Meanwhile, CPI(M) state secretary M V Govindan supported Vijayan, asserting that attempts to link Sree Narayana Guru with Sanatana Dharma are misguided.

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