Kerala Floods: Indian Coast Guard rescued a 10-day-old infant from a house in flood-hit East Kadangaloor, in Kerala on Saturday. In a video that surfaced on the social media yesterday, showed rescue personnel saving a 10-day-old infant in precarious conditions. Amid the despair in the flood-hit area, the security forces and relief teams are trying their best to rescue those stranded in Kerala. The Indian Coast Guard took to Twitter and shared the video showing how the rescue team managed to save the newly born infant. “#KeralaFloods2018 #OPRAHAT @IndiaCoastGuard Team rescued 127 marooned people from the flooded homes of East #Kadangaloor including a 10-day-old infant and also a mother with advanced pregnancy today. All shifted to safety,” tweeted the Coast Guard.

The video showed two coast guard personnel carrying a little baby in arms and walking on a thin rod, balancing the infant. After crossing the length of the rod, they later handed over the infant to another man waiting in the boat.

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Besides the child, the Coast Guard rescued a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy and 126 others from East Kadangaloor as part of rescue and relief operations that are underway on a war footing in flood-hit Kerala.

As many as 357 people have died in Kerala's murderous monsoon season this year. The worst affected places include Aluva, Chalakudy, Chengannur, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta. Meanwhile, massive rescue operations are underway in the entire state.