New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his Deputy Manish Sisodia on Friday took a dig at the BJP government in Haryana over the massive rain-induced traffic jams in Gurgaon and said it "reflected the quality of governance in the state".

"That's BJP's governance (on traffic jam and water-logging in Gurgaon)," Kejriwal said, quoting a tweet from a journalist who said his friend slept in the office because of traffic jams in Gurgaon since Thursday evening.

Taking a potshot at the Bharatiya Janata Party's claim on "good governance", Sisodia tweeted: "Merely changing the name of Gurgaon to Gurugram does not bring development. For development, it is necessary to formulate policies and ensure their proper implementation."

"Jumlo se jam nahi khulega (Glib talk will not end traffic jam in Gurgaon)," Sisodia quipped.

The remarks from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders came in the wake of suffocating traffic jams on National Highway-8 in Gurgaon, which connects the Millennium city with Delhi.

Following heavy rains in Gurgaon and resultant traffic snarls, Union Road Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday asked the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to rush a team of officers to the area.

The Haryana government has declared a two-day school holiday on account of water-logging on Gurgaon's roads. The police told people to avoid needless travelling