NEW DELHI: A video has emerged on the social media showing Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif being heckled by fans during her ongoing 'Dabangg Reloaded' tour in the United States and Canada.

In the 47-second video, a woman can be heard booing Katrina after she was denied a photo opportunity by the actress.

"We don't want to take a pic with you, Booooo," the woman said while mocking at her. Responding to this, Katrina said, "You shouldn't do that, guys. I am very tired and I had a long show."

The fan also 'told' Katrina that the actress needs to have a "better attitude".

“We are here for Salman Khan, only Salman Khan,” another fan can be heard shouting in the background.

Katrina later began taking selfies with other fans while ignoring those booing her.

Watch the video: