Jammu: Jammu & Kashmir has been on the boil ever since a young Kashmir Pandit government employee Rahul Bhat was shot dead by two Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists at his Tehsil office in Chadoora of Budgam district on Thursday. Protests were reported in several parts of the Valley with scores of Kashmiri Pandit government employees blocking roads and highways, demanding punishment for the killers of Bhat. 

The protesting Pandit employees were marching towards the Srinagar International Airport when police intercepted their march and used a few tear smoke shells and mild lathi-charge to disperse them.

Last rites of Bhat were preformed earlier in the day in presence of senior Police officials and political figures. 

Here Are Some Latest Development In Rahul Bhat's Killing Case:

1. A day after his killing, Jammu and Kashmir government has consituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the incident. J&K Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha met with the relatives of Rahul Bhat earlier in the day and assured justice to the family and said that the terrorists and their supporters will pay a price for the heinous act. SHO of the concerned police station has also been attached.

2. In a tweet, Office of L&G also said that the administration will provide a government job to Rahul Bhat's wife in Jammu and give finaincial assistance to the family. The government will also bear the expense of education of Bhat's daughter. 

3. Kashmiri Pandit government employees held protests on Friday demanding their relocation to safer places outside the valley. Sheikhpora camp, located in Budgam of central Kashmir, was the epicentre of these protests. Several Kashmiri pandit employees have been given make-shift accommodation Sheikhpora Camp.

4. The agitators started marching towards the airport and shouting slogans against the J-K administration. Police had to resort to lathi-charge and firing teargas shells to disperse the crowd. There were no reports of any injury but some purported pictures of people allegedly wounded during the police action circulated on social media.

5. Kashmir pandit employees at Vessu, Qazigund and Mattan also held demonstrations and threatened to resign en-masse. They also said that  the government had failed to provide adequate security to Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley. These employees have been provived employment under the Prime Minister's package for the displaced.