Srinagar: Administration in Kashmir valley is seriously considering another lockdown as Covid-19 cases are rising sharply in the valley. With 5 more deaths reported on Saturday till afternoon, the death toll reached 166 with total cases staring at the 10K mark. J&K had reported 9888 covid positive cases till Friday evening, with an average of six deaths per day during the last 10 days. ALSO READ | Karnataka Govt Announces Complete Lockdown In Bengaluru From July 14 Till July 22

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir P K Pole on Saturday said that requests from various quarters including doctors and other sections of the society are continuously pouring it wherein they are demanding re-imposing of lockdown in Kashmir and the final call will be taken by the government soon by the competent authority.

Sources said that the divisional administration Kashmir has apprised the Lieutenant Governor G C Murmu and all his advisors about the demands that are coming from the cross section of society in the wake of rise in Covid-19 case and deaths due to the pandemic. “The government led by LG is deliberating about the future strategy. So far no decision has been taken,” they said.

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Earlier, in the day, Kashmir Traders and Manufactures Federation chief Muhammad Yasin Khan had stated that if government announces to re-impose lockdown, the traders will support it fully. Yesterday, health experts had stated that the situation had changed on COVID front as more people were falling prey to it and positive cases were showing a surge.

One of the senior Doctor's, Dr Nisarul Hassan had urged the government to re-impose lockdown for two more weeks in a bid to contain the virus.

While the divisional administration is still deliberating over the lockdown, District administrations in Kupwara and Baramulla have started acting over the issue.

District Magistrate Kupwara has issued a detailed order sanctioning imposition of another 4 day lockdown in the district from 12th to 15th of July ordering all shops to close as well as transport to be off the roads. The order supersedes any order which gave relaxations of any sort, the order reads as the decision has been taken in wake of rising covid numbers.

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Similarly authorities in Baramulla district have imposed strict restrictions on the gathering of people in marriage functions and other ceremonies amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The decision has been taken in view of the surge in the Covid19 positive cases reported from the district. As per the order, the authorities have decided to allow gathering of only eight guests during any function or marriage.

” Henceforth during any function or marriage, only eight guests are allowed to participate. No gathering of any kind shall be allowed till further orders,” the order reads, adding that any deviation of the order shall be viewed seriously.