NEW DELHI: Congress' Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said that though he disagrees with the government on many issues, he believes that Kashmir is India’s internal issue & there is no room for Pakistan or any other foreign country to interfere in it. Rahul took on Twitter and wrote "I disagree with this Govt. on many issues. But, let me make this absolutely clear: Kashmir is India’s internal issue & there is no room for Pakistan or any other foreign country to interfere in it."

"There is violence in Jammu & Kashmir. There is violence because it is instigated and supported by Pakistan which is known to be the prime supporter of terrorism across the world." he further added.

Earlier on Tuesday, Pakistan wrote to the United Nations again on Kashmir issue where they quoted Rahul Gandhi. In the letter, Pakistan wrote "violence acknowledged by Rahul Gandhi who has noted people dying there". The letter by Pakistan's Federal Minister Shireen Mazari also included Tweets by Mehbooba Mufti.

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Tensions between India and Pakistan spiked after New Delhi abrogated provisions of Article 370 of the Constitution that gave the special status to Jammu and Kashmir. India has categorically told the international community that the scrapping of Article 370 was an internal matter and also advised Pakistan to accept the reality. While on the other hand, Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Tuesday met a 5-member delegation of British parliamentarians and apprised them about the Kashmir issue. the foreign office had said that Qureshi apprised the delegation of the "illegal actions" of India in Kashmir.

A rare closed-door consultations on Kashmir by the UN Security Council earlier this month ended without any outcome or statement from the powerful 15-nation UN organ, dealing a huge snub to Pakistan and its all-weather ally China to internationalise the issue, which an overwhelming majority stressed is a bilateral matter between New Delhi and Islamabad.

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