The Karnataka High Court has put a stay on the probe into violation of Model Code of Conduct against Bharatiya Janata Party national president JP Nadda during the assembly elections in the state in May this year. The BJP leader was accused of making a speech during a party campaign at Harapanahalli town in Vijayanaraga in May 2023, in which he allegedly lured voters.
The High Court’s order came on a criminal petition filed by Nadda seeking to cancel the case against him, was heard by a single judge bench of Justice M Nagaprasanna, which gave an interim order staying the investigation on Friday and adjourned the hearing to June 21, reported PTI.
Officials of the Election Vigilance Division lodged a complaint with the Harappanahalli Police stating that the speech was delivered in a manner luring and threatening the voters, as per the report.
It also said that he had violated the Model Election Code of Conduct.
Nadda has filed the petition in the High Court seeking to quash this investigation.