Bengaluru: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers and supporters broke into dance and song in several winning constituencies on Monday, following the party bagging 12 seats in the by-elections to 15 seats held on December 5. The party's supporters distributed sweets and burst crackers to usher in the victory even as the hash tag #BJPSweepsKarnataka kept trending on Twitter."Under the leadership of Narendra Modi, the government led by B.S. Yediyurappa will work towards fulfilling the aspirations of Karnataka. I thank all the central leadership of BJP and Amit Shah for standing by us and guiding us," tweeted BJP MP Shoba Karandlaje.

Stimulating response from far and wide, Karnataka bypolls elicited reactions from former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan."Congratulate BJP Karnataka candidates for a remarkable win in the by-elections under the leadership of Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa and guidance of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah," tweeted Chouhan.

BJP national General Secretary P. Muralidhar Rao tweeted, "Under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Yediyurappa, Karnataka will now witness rapid growth on all fronts."

Twitter user Girish Alva posted a picture of Janata Dal (Secular) leader H.D. Deve Gowda with folded hands to give an impression that Gowda was saying, "My dear Karnataka, thank you for finally approving my retirement."

The official twitter handle of Karnataka BJP said, "By summarily rejecting the 'adjustment politics' of Congress and JD(S), voters have reposed faith in BJP."

Jaipur rural MP Rajyavardhan Rathore praised the BJP Karnataka unit by tweeting, "I congratulate BJP Karnataka for the results in bypolls under the dynamic central leadership of Amit Shah and the state BJP leadership."Rathore said the bypoll results are a true reflection of the people's mandate who have voted for development and progress.

Minister of State for Home Affairs G. Kishan Reddy tweeted, "I thank the people of Karnataka and congratulate Yediyurappa and all the karyakartas of BJP on this momentous victory." Reddy said Karnataka has voted for a stable government and the state leadership shall provide it.