New Delhi: Taking a dig at central government, Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamna has raised questions over the ongoing hustle in Karnataka. The magazine has alleged that everyone is “making a mockery of democracy in Karnataka”.

“Why is central government silently watching the ruckus? Either a presidential rule should be implemented or Karnataka assembly should be dissolved. Karnataka government should be given leverage to take decisions. Do anything but end this drama once and for all” the article read.

“It is difficult to say that the political drama which is going in Karnataka would end today. The decision of majority should be taken in parliament or assembly. But, Karmataka CM who has lost the majority has been wasting time by doing discussions in assembly. He should have straight sought voting, but his heart is stuck on the CM seat” it added.

It further said, “Governor, Assembly Speaker and Kumaraswamy are throwing their leaves in this game. The Supreme Court has also intervened in it and the 15 rebel MLAs are benefitting from all sides, thus they are enjoying themselves”.

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Further slamming Karnataka CM, it read “The Chief Minister who has lost his majority is wriggling in a pitiful manner in order to retain his seat. The entire nation is watching this scene and it is important to keep in mind that 15 MLAs have resigned from their posts, therefore the speaker doesn’t have the right to accept their resignations. These MLAs are from both Congress and JDS”.