New Delhi: Kapil Gujjar, the man who opened fire near the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protest site in Shaheen Bagh area in Jamia Nagar of New Delhi in February this year, on Wednesday joined the Bharatiya Janata Pary (BJP).

As per reports, Gujjar was welcomed by members of BJP's Ghaziabad office. After joining the saffron clad, Gujjar said that BJP is a party that works for Hindutva and that is why he chose to join it.

Kapil Gujjar had fired two rounds in air near the protesting site in Shaheen Bagh. He had opened fire close to the police barricades which was near the protesting stage. He was later nabbed by police personnel and taken into custody.

"Only Hindus will get to call the shots in our country and nobody else (Hamare desh mein sirf Hinduon ki chalegi. Aur kisi ki nahi chalegi)," the man had shouted while he was being taken into custody.