In a rerun of Delhi's Kanjhawala case, a 45-year-old man was dragged under a car by five youths in Rajasthan's Udaipur on Sunday night. A CCTV footage showed the incident had occurred on a busy road in the Ghantaghar police station limits of Udaipur.
Officers from the Ghantaghar police station said that they came to know of the incident when they received a call about a man lying injured on the road. The caller said that he had been hit by a car. A police team reached the spot and took the youth to the hospital, where doctors declared him brought dead. The victim was identified as Hemraj, who lived in the Mavli tehsil of Udaipur.
Police immediately began investigating the case and checked the CCTV footage from the area. They were shocked to see a car hit Hemraj and drag him for a nearly 200 metres. In the footage, Hemraj could be seen trapped under the rear wheel of the car. Five people are seen sitting inside the car.
After the post-mortem, the body was handed over to Hemraj's aunt for the last rites. The police are now looking for the car and the five suspects.
The incident was a reminder of Delhi's Kanjhawala case, in which a 20-year-old woman, Anjali Singh, was killed after being dragged fro nearly 13 kilometres under a car in outer Delhi's Sultanpuri on the intervening night of December 31 and January 1. The investigation in the case so far has revealed that the accused as well as the victim under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident.
In a similar incident, a 24-year-old man riding a motorcycle was killed after being hit by a car and dragged for approximately 12 kilometres on January 24 after getting stuck under a four-wheeler in the Surat district of Gujarat.