Kanjhawala Death Case: Delhi's Rohini Court on Monday sends five accused in Khanjawala hit and run case to three days police remand, news agency ANI reported. The accused have been identified as Deepak Khanna (26), Amit Khanna (25), Krishan (27), Mithun (26), Manoj Mittal (27).

A young woman was dragged to death in Delhi on January 1, a day when police throughout cities enhance patrolling and set up more checkpoints to catch potential troublemakers, including those who drink and drive.

In reaction to the Khanjawala case, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday called the incident as a "rarest of rare" crime and asked that the offender receive the harshest penalty possible, PTI reported.


Speaking to the reporters, Delhi CM stated: "It is a rarest of rare crime. I don't know where society is heading. I have learnt that the postmortem is underway."


Kejriwal had earlier in the day sought justice for the 20-year-old woman on Twitter. Referring the incident as "extremely shameful", he said, "I appeal that the accused, despite whatever influence they might hold, be given strictest punishment."

According to the Delhi Police, the case against the accused has been registered under sections 279 (rash driving), 304, 120 B, and 304 A (causing death by negligence) of the IPC. Calling the incident as "extremely sad", Delhi Police said: "Medical board is being formed. All five accused Deepak, Manoj, Mithun, Amit, Kishan have been arrested. We are in touch with the family. Evidence is being gathered by all means. Will add further sections of IPC on the basis of investigation. Forensic and legal team is investigating."


Key Points

  • It is now known that Anjali, an event organizer, was riding a scooter home when it was struck by a car. The car's occupants apparently had no idea they had hit her vehicle and continued to pull her 12 kilometres.

  • She was driving along a small road when a vehicle hit her, trapping her between the co-side driver's wheels. From Sultanpuri to Kanjhawala, a distance of about 12 kilometres, she was pulled by the car.

  • At 3:24 in the morning, someone called the police to report that a body had been attached to the wheels of a grey Baleno. Pickets of police were informed of the car's route.

  • At 4:11 in the morning, police were notified by another report that a corpse had been discovered lying on the road. The woman was transferred to a hospital where it was determined that she had passed away when police arrived on the scene and called for the crime and forensic teams.

  • According to the police, they discovered the woman in a terrible state with evident fractured ribs, severe injuries to her forehead, wrists, and legs.

  • The Sultanpuri accident victim's post-mortem was requested by the National Commission for Women (NCW) on Monday in order to determine whether or not she had been sexually abused.

  • The woman's mother allegedly accused the men of raping her daughter, which is why her body was discovered nude, according to a statement from the NCW. However, the accusation has been refuted by the police.

  • In a letter to the Delhi Police Commissioner, NCW Chairperson Rekha Sharma has also urged him to launch a "fair and time-bound probe" into the incident.

  • Accused will be taken to scene of crime in Delhi's Kanjhawla, timeline to be established on basis of CCTV footage, digital evidence, acoording to the Police.

  • Numerous individuals gathered outside the Sultanpuri Police Station on Monday, obstructing traffic in the process, and demanded that the guys who drag-raced a woman for kilometres beneath their automobile be punished.

  • According to them, the event was being handled by the police as an accident case.

(With Inputs From Agencies)