Kangana Ranaut, the Bharatiya Janata Party's Himachal MP, seems to refuse to back down on her views over the now-scrapped farm laws. A fresh video, in which the MP from the Mandi seat is seen speaking on the controversial farm laws, is now going viral. In the video, Kangana Ranaut is seen batting for a reintroduction of the three farm laws.

She said: "The repealed farm laws should be brought back. This could be controversial, but I feel the pro-farmers' laws should be enforced again. In fact, farmers should themselves demand that the laws be brought back. This would ensure there is no hindrance in the development of farmers." She further said that farmers in only a few states had protested and urged them to demand for the laws to be brought back.

Kangana Ranaut was earlier warned by the BJP to toe the party's line on the farmers' protest and farm laws when she mentioned "bodies were seen hanging and rapes were taking place". The BJP