New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Police, on Sunday, recovered some powerful evidences including saffron robes and blood-stained clothes, linked with the murder of Kamlesh Tiwari, the leader of Hindu Mahasabha, who was slain on Friday at his residence in Lucknow.

The two assailants who killed Tiwari were lodged in a hotel near Tiwari’s residence. Clothes resembling those of the shooters as seen in a CCTV footage were found inside Lucknow’s Hotel Khalsa Inn.

Police believes that the assailants checked into the hotel with their real identities a night before perpetrating the crime. They came back after performing the murder to dump their clothes before leaving.

It was also found out that the suspects who were captured in the CCTV footage, had traveled from Gujarat to Kanpur by train and they then took another conveyance to reach Lucknow.

They were last traced somewhere near the NCR, after they fled, police said,

"We have contacted Gujarat and Maharashtra ATS. Our team has also spoken to the woman who was seen in the CCTV footage. All aspects of the case are being probed," OP Singh, Director-General of Police (UP), told reporters on Saturday night.

The assailants, Moinuddin Pathan and Ashfaq Hussain, had checked into the hotel at 10 p.m. on October 18 using their original IDs and checked out the same day at 1.30 p.m., an hour after killing Tiwari.

The family of the victim had said that he had received a death threat in 2016.