The Aam Aadmi Party, which has been maintaining that Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is a victim of political vendetta, said that the Supreme Court's interim bail is a win for truth and honesty that he has stood by. The Supreme Court on Friday granted interim bail to Arvind Kejriwal in the money laundering case stemming from the alleged Delhi liquor policy scam. However, the relief was only in the Enforcement Directorate case and not the one filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation. 

With the bail, AAP leaders are hopeful that Kejriwal will get relief in the CBI case as well. Many took to X to express their joy at the decision. Gujarat AAP leader Manoj Sarothiya said, “Arvind Kejriwal’s honesty won today. The victory of Arvind Kejriwal, an honest leader and the common people of the country, was celebrated in Gujarat in the presence of state president Sudan Gadhvi and Gopal Italia.”

Punjab minister Harpal Singh Cheema said that the Supreme Court's decision had shocked the BJP leaders. "BJP made a false case of excise policy scam by conspiring against several AAP leaders. They arrested Arvind Kejriwal. Today, the apex court said that this matter be referred to a larger bench so that it can't be found out if his arrest is right or wrong. I think the Supreme Court has given a huge jolt to the BJP. I thank the Court... I think Arvind Kejriwal will get bail in CBI too, and he will be out of jail soon," Cheema said.

AAP National General Secretary Organisation and MP Sandeep Pathak reacted by saying that the people of Delhi will be very happy. He added that since BJP couldn't stop the AAP, they jailed the top leaders of the party in the liquor policy case. "I believe that party is not important, the country is. It is very important in the national interest, that a dictator doesn't attempt to finish off a party like this," he told news agency ANI.

Delhi minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, too, said that the judgment was a setback to the BJP. He posted on X, "First Judge Nyay Bindu granted bail in the ED case; now the country's top court has granted interim bail to Arvind Kejriwal. The court has taught a big lesson to the BJP government at the Centre." He said if the Centre continued to act arbitrarily, its "vanity will be broken".

Spokesperson for the Aam Aadmi Party Sanjay Singh took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the court's verdict. He said that the nation was aware of his "dictatorship" and everyone believed that the ED had falsely implicated Kejriwal. 

AAP Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chaddha said the SC verdict was a victory for justice. “Grateful to the Hon’ble Supreme Court for granting interim bail to Arvind Kejriwal. Justice prevails,” he posted on X.