New Delhi: The Vice-Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University, M Jagadish Kumar on Monday alleged varsity students of forcibly breaking into his house and confining his wife inside for several hours while he was away. Seven students have been on a hunger strike since last week, protesting against the online system of entrance exam that will be implemented from this academic session.

As per agencies, students from left outfits went to the vice-chancellor’s residence to demand an audience with him since he had not been meeting them. When they went to meet him last week, he offered them sweets rather than addressing their concerns.

On Monday evening, the students allegedly barged inside Kumar’s residence while he was away and surrounded his wife. A professor said police were called and wives of other university professors rescued her. Kumar's wife was rushed to a hospital as she was in a state of trauma.

"This evening few hundred students forcibly broke into my JNU residence and confined my wife inside home for several hours while I was away in a meeting. Is it the way to protest? Terrorosing (sic) a lonely lady at home?" Kumar asked on Twitter.

However, a student from a Left outfit said that the group of students which went to meet the vice-chancellor, but they were allegedly manhandled by the security personnel. He said many students have sustained injuries, including JNUSU president N Sai Balaji.

On Tuesday, Kumar however, forgave the students and said: “While last night's violent behavior by students in front my JNU residence is condemnable, neither me nor my wife will file a police complaint against the students. We have forgiven them. Wish them the best and hope they will reform and not repeat such acts in future.”