Mumbai: Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio has joined forces with media conglomerate Disney India to feature dedicated section with content including movies, animations, series, shorts and more. As per Jio’s official media release, JioCinema, Jio’s digital app and Disney India have come together to offer timeless stories and beloved characters from the biggest brands in story-telling: Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Lucas film to Jio users across different age groups. This will be for the first time that Jio app will host a dedicated Disney section which will include content from Disney Classics, Pixar animation, Marvel and StarWars as well as other international and domestic-bred content.
Range of Disney Content:
JioCinema app will host an inventory full of Disney content featuring classics such as The Jungle Book, The Lion King to the ever so-popular tales of Disney Princesses like Cinderella, Snow White, The Seven Dwar and more. Users can even binge-watch new show such as recently released series DuckTales. Apart from these, the app will also have several Oscar-nominated films such as Wall-E, Toy Story and others.
Through this association, Jio users can get access to stories ranging from Disney Classics, Pixar animation, movies from Marvel and Star Wars along with a host of international as well as locally created content which they can enjoy on-the-go. With content available for the entire family, the app also offers a diverse collection of series and movies for kids and teens along with Marvel kids’ animation shows.
For fans who enjoy larger-than-life action, there’s Marvel’s mightiest Super Heroes who bring in their superpowers with movies like Iron Man, Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor along with animated series such as Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel’s Avengers Assemble and more.
How to access Disney content on JioCinema:
As per the release, Disney content is available through an exclusive Disney-Jio section on JioCinema’s welcome page. To watch these contents, existing Jio users will have to download JioCinema app and share a customizable message with their friends on Facebook, Twitter or Whatsapp. Even new users can follow the same step to avail this feature.
Now watch Cinderella, Mickey Mouse, Iron Man, other Disney movies on JioCinema app, here's how to access
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
27 Dec 2018 08:10 PM (IST)
Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio has joined forces with media conglomerate Disney India to feature dedicated section with content including movies, animations, series, shorts and more.
This will be for the first time that Jio app will host a dedicated Disney section. (Image: AFP)
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