New Delhi: Coming down heavily on the Centre, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said had his former Jharkhand counterpart Hemant Soren aligned with the BJP, he wouldn’t have ended up behind the bars. Kejriwal made the statement on a post in X where he also said that he had a telephonic conversation with the JMM leader’s wife Kalpana Soren.
Kalpana Soren also took to X to thank CM Kejriwal for his support and emphasised the need for unity to fight the “conspiracy” orchestrated by the BJP as she underlined the importance of collective action.
“Today I had a telephonic conversation with honourable Chief Minister of Delhi Shri @ArvindKejriwal ji. Thanks to Arvind ji that at such time he is with Jharkhandi warrior Hemant ji and the JMM family. Today the entire country is watching the conspiracy of the central government and the BJP. Everyone is upset to see how democracy is being sabotaged in Jharkhand as well as in Delhi and other non-BJP ruled states. Together, we have to fight this conspiracy of the central government and the BJP. Jai Johar! Jai Jharkhand!,” Kalpana Soren posted on X in Hindi.
Replying to her post, CM Kejriwal reiterated his solidarity with Heman Soren and praised the latter for his resilience and valour in confronting the “injustices perpetrated by the BJP”. He further said had Soren “joined hands” with the saffron party, he wouldn’t have had to be in jail.
"Kalpana ji, we fully stand with former Jharkhand chief minister Hemant Soren ji. The whole country praises his strength and courage. How he is facing the atrocities of BJP. If today he had gone with the BJP, he would not have been jailed. But he did not leave the path of truth. Salute to him!,” Kejriwal wrote in a post in Hindi on X.