Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar called on former state CM Lalu Prasad Yadav, as the RJD supremo landed in Bihar after seven months after his kidney transpant in Singapore and an extensive stretch of recovery in Delhi, as reported by the news agency PTI. The meeting of two leaders came amid speculations that the two leaders will work together to forge a country-wide opposition unity to take on the BJP in next year’s Lok Sabha polls.

Lalu, whose unconditional offer of help to Kumar, an arch-rival, assisted the latter to survive in power while elbowing out previous partner BJP, underwent a kidney transplant and convalesced at his eldest daughter Misa Bharti's house in Delhi.

Lalu, on his way back home, was greeted by enthusiastic supporters, who waited for a glimpse of their leader in the sweltering heat. It was difficult for security personnel to keep the slogan-shouting crowd from getting too close to the VIPs. Lalu gestured and waved at party allies as he hurried to his son's car, covered with flower petals. His procession headed to his significant other Rabri Devi's home, where he sets up at whatever point he is in Patna.

According to PTI, Nitish Kumar drove to the residence of Rabri Devi, former chief minister and wife of Prasad, late on Friday evening, hours after the RJD supremo arrived. It was not known what transpired during the meeting between the two leaders that lasted for less than half an hour. The RJD chief and the JD(U) supreme leader have been close associates since the ‘JP Movement’ of the 1970s when both were student leaders.

The two came together in August last year when Kumar junked the BJP, a domineering ally, but retained power thanks to the prompt offer of support from Prasad, whose party has the largest number of MLAs in Bihar.