Kulgam: Jammu and Kashmir’s Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) for South Kashmir range Atul Goel on Wednesday said that the apart from the US-M-4 Carbine and AK-47, six Chinese pistols recovered from a truck at Jawahar Tunnel on Srinagar-Jammu highway at Kulgam district, were meant to recruit new people into militancy. ALSO READ | Mamata Banerjee Refutes Rumours Of Durga Puja Celebrations, Agrees To Do 100 Sits-Ups If Claims Proved

“Joint teams of security forces along with police stopped a truck and recovered huge quantities of arms and ammunition including US-made M-4 carbine and AK-47, besides six Chinese pistols. The pistols were seemingly meant for recruiting new people into militancy,” the DIG Goel said addressing a press conference at Amno, SoG camp at Kulgam district of South Kashmir.

The police have so far been able to contain the local militant recruitment after it witnessed a sharp rise earlier. “We will not allow the recruitment to gain ground again,” he said.

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Asked about the arrests made and whether weapon consignment was meant to be delivered in South Kashmir, he said that two people including the driver of the truck and the Co-driver have been arrested and a special investigation team (SIT) has been constituted to find out for whom the weapons were meant to be delivered.

“Prima facie it looks like that the pistol consignment was meant for recruitment of new youth. Investigations are on and more details will come to fore,” he said. “One thing is clear that weapon consignment was obviously to fuel militancy in South Kashmir.”

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