Jammu: A professor of Jammu University has come under fire after he allegedly referred to freedom fighter Bhagat Singh as a "terrorist", prompting authorities to set up a panel to probe the matter. It is said that while delivering a lecture at the department of political science on Thursday, Prof Mohammad Tajuddin allegedly made the reference following which the students took the matter to the Vice Chancellor and a complaint was lodged against him. "The students also submitted a CD as a proof", Spokesperson of Jammu University, Dr Vinay Thusoo told media.

The matter triggered protests from students who demanded that the Professor is suspended from the university. It is said that taking immediate action, Vice Chancellor Prof Manoj K Dhar ordered a probe. "Following a complaint by some students against Prof Tajuddin on Thursday, the University on the same day constituted an Inquiry Committee, which is headed by Dean Academic Affairs of the University, Prof Keshiv Sharma", Dr Thusoo said. He said the committee has been asked to submit its report within 7 days.

"Prof Tajuddin has been disassociated from teaching in the University with immediate effect till further orders", Dr Thusoo said. Prof Tajuddin said his remarks were taken out of context and a 25-second clip was made from his two-hour lecture. He said "Terrorist word came in that, it wasn't what I meant. Still, if anyone is hurt, I'm really sorry for it."

I had no intention to demean the personality of Bhagat Singh or for that matter hurt anyone's feelings, he said.

(additional input PTI)