Srinagar: A day after violent attack at Bharatiya Janata Party leader (BJP) leader Wasim Bari in Bandipora, terrorists on Thursday attacked an Army convoy in the Pampore area of Awantipora district in South Kashmir. ALSO READ | What Is Kerala Gold Smuggling Scam? Know All About The Scandal, Prime Accused Swapna Suresh And More

News Agency ANI quoted Indian Army sources who conformed the incident and said that terrorists attacked an ambulance moving from Khrew with Quick Response Team (QRT) near a mosque at Laddoo Mor area of Lethpora in Awantipora district.

The sources said that the violent incident took place at about 6 PM on thursday in which a soldier was injured. Soon, the injured army personnel was taken to 92 Battalion hospital for treatment. As per the latest updates on his health conditions, it has been informed that the soldier is stable and recovering fast.

The Army source also told that during the crossfire, a civilian was also injured. The woman suffer minor injuries following which, she was soon shifted to a nearby hospital for treatment. According to the reports, she was discharged soon after the treatment.

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Meanwhile, the authorities have ordered to cordon off the area and launched a search in order to nab the attackers. The search is on while all the entry and exit points are sealed in the area.

The incident has come a day after terrorists shot at Jammu and Kashmir BJP Wasim Bari, his father, and brother who later succumbed to their injuries while undergoing treatment on late Thursday evening.

According to Police, Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) was behind the attack. A newly formed terror group "The Resistance Front" claimed responsibility for the attack. The Police say it is a front of the Jaish, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizbul Mujahideen.