Jammu & Kashmir: A massive sanitization process has been started at Police headquarters at Srinagar after a police officer  tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday. Also Read | Jammu & Kashmir: Bandipora Police Arrests Four Terrorist Associates In Hajin

Officials at the PHQ said that the test samples taken of an officer resulted positive today following which a massive sanitization process has been started at the PHQ Srinagar in Hyderpora area of Srinagar.

He said all the officials including the officers have been asked to come out from the headquarters so that the massive sanitization process will be started. “The sanitization process has been started at PHQ Srinagar,”. Also Read: Ram Madhav Visits Slain BJP Leader's Family In Bandipora, Demands Increased Security For J&K Party Men

All the senior officers who have been traced as contacts of  the police officer have been sampled also. However it is immediately known how senior ranked the infected officer is, who has been only identified as an JKPS service officer.

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