New Delhi: Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Wednesday said that the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) exams will be held ensuring transparency without any compromise

"We have suspended the exams. When the JKSSB will be ensured exams will be held. Even a single doubt concerns us, as transparency is our priority. Be it recruitment based on merit we are not ready to compromise (sic)," Manoj Sinha said, as quoted by news agency ANI.

"I will not respond to any allegations. But the truth is that more than 47 people who were involved in anti-national activities were removed from jobs here. When they were recruited I don’t need to tell," he asserted when asked about former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti’s statements.

Earlier in the day, Mufti shared a report on the deferment of the JKSSB exam and tweeted: "Power of J&Ks youth has forced authorities to defer exams. But this is still not enough unless APTECH isn’t removed & a thorough probe ordered along with fresh exams conducted by a credible agency. Least LG admin can do after wasting precious time of J&Ks youngsters."

A week ago, she had alleged in a tweet that, "JKSSBs decision to continue with a fraudulent blacklisted company indicates how deeply entrenched corruption is in J&K. Sarkari babus responsible for this continue enjoying their positions at the cost of sabotaging the future of J&Ks youth. So much for corruption free J&K."

The JKSSB on Tuesday night announced the deferment of computer-based written tests (CBT) for various posts amid ongoing agitation by job aspirants against the hiring of a previously blacklisted company.

The written examination to fill up vacant posts in various government departments was scheduled from March 16 to April 5.

“The Computer Based Examination for various posts scheduled w.e.f. 16.03.2023 to 05.04.2023 are deferred till further intimation,” the JKSSB informed in a tweet.

The protesting students and political leaders welcomed the decision of the JKSSB and reiterated their demand for immediate cancellation of the contract with APTECH Limited.

“We welcome the decision of the JKSSB which has realised the gravity of the situation. This was one of our four demands we have raised to ensure transparent and merit-based selection,” Kartik Bhagat, one of the youths leading the protest, said, as quoted by news agency PTI.

The protesters are also demanding the removal of APTECH from conducting government recruitments, a technical investigation into exams conducted by the agency, and a strong law against those involved in paper leak scams.

Democratic Azad Party chairman and former chief minister Ghulam Nabi Azad also welcomed the JKSSB’s decision to defer the examination.

“Congratulations to all the JKSSB aspirants. My doors are always open for the youth. I will continue to fight for your better and secure future. Thankful to admin (administration) also for realizing the gravity of the issue and subsequently addressing it,” Azad wrote on Twitter.