The Indian Army and Jammu and Kashmir Police on Thursday (November 7) launched a joint operation after receiving intelligence regarding the presence of terrorists in Panipura in Sopore area of Baramulla district. A gunfight started between the forces and the militants during the search operation. Operation Panipura is currently underway, Indian Army said.

According to a statement issued by the Indian Army's Chinar Corps, the troops observed suspicious activity in the region. When the terrorists were challenged they opened indiscriminate fire, following which the security forces retaliated effectively.

This comes after a terrorist was killed in an encounter with security forces in the Kupwara district on Thursday.

The encounter started on Wednesday, November 6, after security forces launched a cordon and search operation in Margi area of Lolab in the north Kashmir district. The forces had launched the operation after based on specific intelligence inputs about the presence of terrorists in the region.

The operation was successfully concluded after a day, resulting in the killing of a terrorist. Officials told news agency PTI that an AK rifle, two hand grenades, and four AK rifle magazines, were also recovered from the site of the encounter.

On November 5, an unidentified terrorist was killed, while two security personnel sustained injuries during an encounter in J&K's Bandipora district. 

Security forces had launched a cordon-and-search operation in the Choontpathri forest area of Bandipora after receiving information about the presence of ultras. During the search operation, the terrorists opened fire on the security forces, following which a gunfight broke out as the forces retaliated.

During the the exchange of fire, a terrorist was gunned down, while an Army jawan and a CRPF trooper were injured. They were taken to a hospital for treatment as the operation continued, PTI reported.