Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir is taking a lead in the fight against the covid-19 as there has been a 50% drop in the number of daily cases in the Union territory during the last fortnight. This was revealed during a review meeting of the  management of the COVID-19 pandemic across all Union territories. The meeting was chaired by Union Home Secretary, Ajay Kumar Bhalla.

According to the data, J&K  has reported 3,946 cases per million population over the last two weeks and only 62 deaths per million during the same period. This has been achieved by enhanced testing and vaccination capacities. 

“The early detection of infection has allowed for timely medical intervention, whereas vaccination was found to reduce the severity of disease in patients - both strategies have been successful in restricting COVID-related fatalities in the UT”, chief secretary  B V R Subramanium said.

Jammu and Kashmir is among the leading regions in the country in vaccination of above 45 years age group having vaccinated 66% of its eligible population which is well above the national average of 32%. 

Within J&K, 4 districts- Ganderbal, Jammu, Samba, and Shopian, have achieved 100% coverage in this category, while the vaccination in the 18-45 age category, has been paced up with the availability of the vaccines. 

WIth the Government’s timely response and imposition of the lockdown, the daily number of COVID cases has reduced from an all-time high of 5500 to 2200 in two weeks. The same period also witnessed a reduction in the case positivity rate from 13% to 6.2%. It was highlighted that the districts having higher vaccination rates reported lower positivity rates, thus establishing a correlation between vaccination and success of containment measures.

Understanding the shift of disease’s catchment area in Jammu and Kashmir more cases are now being reported from rural than urban areas with over 55% and 60% cases reported from Rural areas in Jammu and Kashmir divisions, respectively.  The J & K government has thus requested the Union Government for establishing two 250-bedded DRDO designed hospitals  for peripheral districts.

Government has also established 5-bedded COVID care facilities with at least 1 oxygen supported bed at approximately 4000 Panchayats to provide immediate medical care to the COVID patients who can then be referred to higher-level facilities in case of emergency. Additionally, 33000 COVID care medical kits have been distributed for usage by patients in home isolation.

The twin 500-bedded temporary hospitals being established by the Defence Research and Development Organization will commence operations at Jammu from 26th May and at Srinagar from 1st July, thereby greatly reinforcing COVID dedicated medical infrastructure in the Union territory.

However, considering the uncanny nature of the covid-19 virus, the Union Health ministry has asked the J&K govt to keep pace with testing and vaccination rates, besides enforcing COVID appropriate behaviour and strengthening the medical infrastructure.

Jammu & Kashmir Covid Tally:

Daily Covid cases come down from 5500 to 2200; positivity rate from 13% to 6.2%

At 66%, maintained better than national average vaccination in >45 age category

4 Districts with 100% vaccination -  Ganderbal, Jammu, Samba, and Shopian