Srinagar: Indian Army has started distributing food items to various orphanages in remote areas of Kupwara under operation Sadbhavna ahead of muslim festival of Ied-ul-fitr. Gulistaani Lil Bannat, an orphanage for girls at Handwara in north Kashmir was the first to receive month-long rations.

The items including rice, flour, oil, ghee, sugar and several others were given to needy and poor students who are enrolled in the trust.

During this event, the Chairman of the Gulistaani Lil Bannat and several other locals were present on the occasion, who said that  during normal days, the orphanages used to get maximum charity during the holy month of Ramadan but owing to the corona lockdown, neither the donors nor the charity workers could collect the funds. This has resulted in an acute shortage of money and supplies in many orphanages. 

The chairman thanked the Army for always helping the people during every difficult time and said it is the time when the whole world is suffering from pandemic at the same time the Army is helping the needy people.

Notably, the Indian Arrmy unit has also distributed food items to the various needy people in the past.

The Army officer appealed to the people to stay indoors and follow the SOPs and health related guidelines strictly to prevent themselves from this virus.