New Delhi: Coming down heaviliy on the BJP-led Central government for its approach towards the ongoing farmers' protest, the People's Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) announced its support for the 'Gramin Bharat Bandh' scheduled by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) on February 16, as reported by PTI. The PAGD, comprising five political parties - the National Conference, People's Democratic Party, CPI(M), CPM, and Awami National Conference (ANC) - was established in 2019 to reinstate the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

“In response to a communication from the SKM seeking our support to their ongoing protest, the leadership of the PAGD is of the view that the demands of the farmers are genuine and we are extending our support to them,” PTI quoted senior CPI(M) leader and spokesperson of the PAGD MY Tarigami as saying.

Tarigami emphasised that top leaders such as National Conference President Farooq Abdullah, PDP President Mehbooba Mufti, and ANC Vice President Muzzafar Shah had collectively agreed to support the nationwide strike called by SKM (Non-Political), alongside central trade unions, in solidarity with farmers' demands, including a law guaranteeing a minimum support price (MSP) for their produce.

According to PTI, the farmers are also advocating for the reinforcement of the MGNREGA, the reinstatement of the old pension scheme, and the assurance of pension and social security for all workers in both formal and informal sectors. Condemning the government's use of force to obstruct protesting farmers from advancing towards Delhi, Tarigami denounced the government's attitude as "unfortunate and authoritarian."

“Instead of holding purposeful and meaningful dialogue with the representatives of farmers, they are resorting to creating division among the peasants, workers, and trade unions, and using authoritarian measures and police force to dislodge them,” he also said, adding “Enough is enough as claims are not sufficient for addressing issues being faced by people”.

Centre Has Credibility Deficit: Tarigami

Tarigami asserted the necessity for concrete measures, echoing the longstanding demands of trade unions and the SKM. He also accused the Central government of reneging on its commitments, alleging a credibility deficit as it acts contrary to its professed intentions without consulting the people. “We have only seen oppression, injustice, and falsehood and nothing else. Those running the government should provide relief to the people and address their pain but what we are seeing is that they are only working for the corporate capitalists,” PTI quoted him as saying.

He also targeted the government for its alleged failure to address "growing unemployment and inflation". “A new trend of privatisation of the public sector was introduced by this government, depriving the people in general and workers, in particular, the benefits which they have attained after a long struggle during the creation of such assets,” PTI quoted the senior leader as saying.

Tarigami also said that farmers want to live better lives, not commit suicide, and that it is the government's responsibility to give them, something the BJP is purportedly failing to achieve, PTI reported.