New Delhi: Emphasising the commencement of a new era marked by peace in Jammu and Kashmir, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday said there has been a significant drop in terrorist activities and civilian casualties since the abrogation of Article 370. He also said there hasn't been a single incident of stone pelting in 2023. 

During a virtual event, Amit Shah also inaugurated 100 e-buses in Jammu and distributed over 1,000 appointment letters to officers in the Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service (JKAS) and the police force, as well as compassionate appointees.

In his address, the Union Minister said, "I want to tell you that there has been a fall of 66 per cent in terrorism-related incidents. There has been a decline of 81 per cent in civilian killings and 48 per cent in killings of security forces after the scrapping of Article 370." He asserted that these statistics signify the commencement of a new era characterised by happiness, peace, and normalcy in Jammu and Kashmir.

Amit Shah also highlighted the drastic reduction in organised stone-pelting incidents, shutdowns, and civilian casualties. He mentioned that while 2,654 stone-pelting incidents occurred in 2000, there were none in 2023. Similarly, the number of organised shutdowns dropped from 132 in 2010 to none in 2023. Civilian casualties due to stone-pelting, which numbered 112 in 2010, came down to zero in 2023. Terror financing has also been effectively curbed in Jammu and Kashmir, Shah said.

Praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amit Shah stated that Jammu and Kashmir's transformation from a region known for terrorism into a burgeoning tourism hub is a testament to the government's efforts. He underscored the shift from an era of conflict to one marked by educational institutions, medical colleges, industries, and infrastructure development.

The home minister also urged the youth of Jammu and Kashmir to actively participate in the democratic process by enrolling as voters, acknowledging their role in contributing to the progress of the region. He also applauded the engagement of over 7 lakh youths in sports.

Highlighting the introduction of 100 e-buses in Jammu, Shah stated that these buses would provide reliable, comfortable, economical, and environmental-friendly public transport solutions for the people. The buses will operate on routes connecting Jammu to Katra, Kathua, Udhampur, and internal routes within Jammu.