New Delhi: Senior Congress leader P Chidambaram on Thursday attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party over bulldozers razing several structures in violence-hit Jahangirpuri during an anti-encroachment drive

"We see the rule of law break down everyday" and soon there will be "no law and no rules," the former home minister wrote on Twitter.

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In a series of tweets, Chidambaram stated: "Once arbitrary ‘Orders’ override ‘Law’, we are on the road to hell".

"The Bulldozer represents the arbitrary ‘Order’. The Supreme Court represents ‘Law’. Yesterday, we saw the Bulldozer defy the Law. Let’s see what happens today," he added.

On Wednesday morning, several concrete and temporary structures close to a mosque were razed as part of an anti-encroachment drive by the BJP-ruled North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC).

The move came days after the northwest Delhi neighbourhood was rocked by communal violence.

The Supreme Court had to intervene twice to stop the drive after it took cognisance of a petition filed by Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind against the demolition.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had attacked the BJP-led Union government over the use of bulldozers and termed it a "demolition of India's constitutional values" targetting the poor and minorities.

Senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal has also opposed the move writing, "You may bulldoze my home Not my spirit."

Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta had alleged that opposition parties were giving a "political colour to the removal of rioters' encroachments."

This anti-encroachment drive was not the first one when the North corporation took action in this locality. This is the seventh such action in this area, he claimed, as reported by news agency PTI.

Jahangirpuri witnessed violence and arson last week during a Hanuman Jayanti procession with people from two communities engaging in stone-pelting.

Notably, CPI(M) Politburo member Brinda Karat visited the demolition site on Wednesday with a physical copy of the Supreme Court order and urged the civic staff to stop the drive instantly.

She stood in front of a bulldozer blocking its way and also met Delhi Police officials present at the site.

"Laws, as well as the Constitution, have been bulldozed by illegal demolitions. At least the Supreme Court and its order should not be bulldozed," Brinda Karat told reporters.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court bench of Justices L Nageswara Rao and BR Gavai is hearing a plea against the demolition drive today.

(With Agency Inputs)