New Delhi: Many people had gathered to attend the funeral prayers of 25-year-old Arshad Ahmad Mir on Sunday in Srinagar who was serving as a Sub-Inspector in J&K Police. He was shot in what is suspected to be a terrorist attack. 

Videos have surfaced in which thousands of mourners can be seen gathering around to pay last respects after the body of Arshad Mir reached Kalmuna village in the Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir. 

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According to news reports, Mir was shot dead when he had taken a person who had been detained for a medical check-up to a medical facility at Khanyar in downtown Srinagar.

"We have lost a brave young officer. He was learning the nuances of policing. It's a very tragic loss for us and his family. We express our deepest condolences", Dilbag Singh, J&K DGP was quoted by ANI as saying.

"Perpetrators involved in this case have been identified and they will be brought to justice", he added.

After completing a year-long training, he was posted at the Khanyar police station for a few months. Then last year, he joined as a sub-inspector in Jammu & Kashmir Police.

According to reports, a CCTV had captured the incident, in the video the terrorist is seen coming from behind and firing point-blank. Mir was shot with three bullets to the head and fell. The attacker fled the scene, though a person chased after the terrorist but returned to help the police officer.

Mir was rushed to Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) where he succumbed to his injuries. 

LG Manoj Sinha also condemned the attack and tweet, "This is a handiwork of enemies of humanity and peace. His supreme sacrifice won't go in vain, terrorists will be punished for the act. Heartfelt condolences to the martyr's family".