In a major crackdown against anti-national activities and terror funding in Jammu and Kashmir, the J&K Police have attached 125 immovable properties (land and buildings) at 83 locations under Sections 8 and 25 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. These properties reportedly belong to the banned outfit JeI (Jamaat-e-Islami). It was found during an investigation in the cases related to terror funding and other cases of anti-national activities that these properties were either proceeds of terrorism or were used in activities aimed at strengthening terrorism in the valley, according to State Investigation Agency (SIA) sources.

In order to dismantle the terror ecosystem in the Himalayan region, security agencies launched "Operation All Out" following the Centre's decision to scrap Article 370 on August 5, 2019. The agencies since then have identified and nailed many Over-Ground Workers (OGWs) who used to provide logistics and other support to terrorists. Separatist organizations such as JeI, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and others have been banned and their funding channels have also been choked, reported ANI.

Till date, SIA Kashmir has seized 57 properties belonging to or linked to the Jamaat-e-Islami. Several such actions have hit terror funding and have proven to be a huge step in restoring the rule of law and in removing fear from the hearts of the people living there. As per officials, the SIA identified 188 JeI properties worth crores across Jammu and Kashmir which have either been notified for further legal action or are in the process of being notified.

As per ANI, while probing different cases related to other terror activities in J&K, the investigating agencies unearthed a pattern of terror funding wherein the ancestral immovable properties of terrorists belonging to J&K, based and operating from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), were sold and the sale proceeds of the same were utilized to fund several terror outfits in the region.