New Delhi: In Jammu and Kashmir, after 2019, 1948 people were arrested under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). Only 34 were convicted under the law. This information was given by the Union Minister of State for Home, Nityanand Rai, to the Rajya Sabha in a written reply to a question. Article 370 was removed from Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019.

Union Minister of State for Home, Nityanand Rai, said the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) compiles crime data and has published these figures in its annual publication 'Crime in India'.

What do the figures from 2019 tell us?

According to the news website Indian Express, more than 2300 people have been booked in more than 1200 cases in Jammu and Kashmir since 2019, and 954 people were charged under the Public Security Act (PSA). Of these, 46 per cent were booked under UAPA and about 30 per cent of those detained under PSA are still in jail inside and outside Jammu and Kashmir.

95 detained under PSA till the end of July 2021

According to official police data published on the Indian Express, 699 people were detained under PSA in 2019 and 160 in 2020. While 95 people were detained under PSA till the end of July in 2021. Of these, 284 are still in custody.