Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday hit out at BJP chief J.P Nadda for posing a series of questions to him and said he is answerable to the nation and not BJP.

“Who is he that I have to answer to him? Is he my professor? I will answer to the country,” Rahul Gandhi said during a press conference held at Congress Headquarters in New Delhi today.

Extending support to the farmers who are agitating against the agriculture laws for over a month now, the Congress MP said it is a tragedy that this entire country is just watching this ridiculous show.

“It is a tragedy it shows me that the country itself is not able to understand the depth of what is happening. The result of this is three-four people are going to own India and the entire agricultural system. Farmers will not get the value they deserve. The mandi system will be destroyed. Only three-four people will be able to store a million tonnes of wheat, rice, and other essential commodities and the middle class will be paying prices that they have never imagined," Gandhi added.

The Wayanad MP hailed the farmers as patriots and appealed to the citizens across the nation to support them.

“They are patriots of this country who are protecting the livelihood of 60 per cent of this country. I support them 100 per cent. I go further, every single Indian should support them because they are fighting for us, not themselves," the former Congress President said.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The rice, wheat you (middle class) buy comes at the rate you purchase because of APMC and the agricultural system. This is not an assault on farmers but on the middle class and on every single youngster in the country, who is not able to get a job: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi <a ></a></p>&mdash; ANI (@ANI) <a >January 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Attacking the Congress leaders for showing support to the protesting farmers against the three farm laws, the BJP chief alleged double standards on the former’s part.

"Why did farmers remain poor for decades under Congress governments? Does he feel sympathy for farmers only in opposition?" Nadda asked.

The Narendra Modi Government has projected the three laws as major reforms in the agriculture sector aimed at removing middlemen and allowing the farmers to sell their products across the country.

The farmers have on the contrary expressed their apprehension with regard to the new laws and stated that this would pave way for eliminating the safety cushion of the Minimum Support Price (MSP) and leave them at the mercy of corporates.

Nadda also hit out at Gandhi over a range of other subjects, including China and the coronavirus crisis. He attacked Gandhi for his repeated criticism of China's alleged entry
into India territory and asked if the latter has any intentions of cancelling the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between his party and 'China and their Communist Party'.

"When will Rahul Gandhi, his dynasty and Congress stop lying on China? Can he deny that thousands of kms, including the one in Arunachal Pradesh he is referring to was gifted by none other than Pandit Nehru to the Chinese? Time and again, why does Congress surrender to China?" Nadda asked in a series of tweets.

"Does he intend to return the Chinese largesse to trusts controlled by his family? Or will their policies and practices continue to be dictated by Chinese money and MoU?" he asked.

Nadda said Rahul Gandhi spared no opportunity to 'demotivate' the nation in the 'spirited fight' against COVID-19. "Today, when India has one of the lowest cases and our scientists, have come up with a vaccine, why hasn't he congratulated the scientists and lauded 130 crore Indians even once?" he asked.