New Delhi: The Indian Railways has launched a special tour package to Mahatma Gandhi's birth place, Porbandar in Gujarat, to showcase his life, days after it announced two Ramayana Circuit trains for visiting places associated with the Hindu epic. The Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) in a statement today said the "Khushboo Gujarat Ki" tour will include an AC three-tier travel package.

The highlight of the tour is the Kirti Mandir in Porbandar, which has now been transformed into a museum displaying old photographs and personal belongings of Gandhi. The all-inclusive tour package of six nights and seven days will also cover the Somnath temple, Diu, Dwarka and Nageshwar.

The package is priced at Rs 19,990 per person on a twin-sharing basis and will include the train journey and three-star hotel accommodation at Somnath and Dwarka. All transfers and sightseeing by air-conditioned buses, on-board meals, breakfast and dinner at the hotels and insurance are also included in the package. "A dedicated IRCTC tour manager will accompany the tourists. The total number of seats available in this fixed-group departure programme is 60," the statement said.

As a part of the tour, the Uttaranchal Express will depart from the New Delhi railway station at 1.25 pm on September 16. Passengers can also board the train from the Delhi Cantonment, Gurgaon, Rewari, Alwar, Jaipur and Ajmer Junction railway stations. The tour can be booked on the IRCTC website as well as its offices across the country.