A Delhi court on Thursday ordered that former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram be sent to the custody of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) till October 24 in connection with the money laundering case relating to INX Media.
Special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar also extended the former Finance Minister's judicial custody in the CBI case till the same date.
“We will take care of his security, home-cooked food, medicines, spectacles,” the Solicitor General said speaking on behalf of the agency.
The statement from the agency came after Chidambaram's legal team filed an application requesting for spectacles, home-cooked food, western toilet and a separate cell.
On Wednesday, the ED informed the court that it has formally arrested Chidambaram from inside the Tihar Jail. Following this, the court issued a production warrant directing the Tihar Jail authorities to produce him before the court.
The former Finance Minister has been lodged in Tihar Jail since September 5 in connection with the CBI case related to INX Media.
Chidambaram and his son Karti Chidambaram were named in the INX Media case by Peter and Indrani Mukerjea, who are currently in jail in Mumbai in connection with the murder of Indrani's daughter Sheena Bora.