New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday, sent its team to Senior Congress leader P Chidambaram's Jorbagh residence in New Delhi, after the Delhi High Court rejected the anticipatory bail plea related to the INX Media case, and after his team of lawyers failed to get an urgent hearing by the Supreme Court against the high court’s decision. The agencies, however, did not find the Congress leader, who is facing a threat of arrest in the corruption and money laundering case, at his residence.
Chidambaram whose anticipatory bail plea was rejected by the Delhi High Court on Tuesday, was asked to mention his appeal for urgent hearing against this order in the Supreme Court on Wednesday (tomorrow).
Senior advocate and Congress leader Kapil Sibal representing Chidambaram said, "We will mention the matter before the Supreme Court tomorrow morning."
He said that as the Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi will be sitting in the Constitution bench for hearing the Ayodhya case, the petition is to be mentioned at 10:30 am before the senior-most judge, who is not on the Constitution bench.
Also read: Huge Setback For Chidambaram As Delhi HC Rejects Anticipatory Bail Plea In INX Media Case
Chidambaram and a battery of his lawyers were in hectic discussions after the Delhi High Court dismissed his anticipatory bail plea in the INX media scam.
Senior advocates Kapil Sibal, Abhishek Manu Singhvi and Salman Khurshid rushed to the apex court following the high court order.
Senior advocate Dayan Krishnan, who was arguing the case in the high court, also joined the discussions.
Sibal said the team is yet to get copy of the Delhi Court judgement.
He was asked by a Supreme Court official to place Chidambaram's petition before Registrar (judicial) who will take call on putting it before the Chief Justice of India.
Sibal met Registrar (judicial) Surya Pratap Singh and explained to him the situation and explored as to what could be done.
The development took place minutes after the high court declined interim protection from arrest to Chidambaram for approaching the Supreme Court.
(With inputs from PTI)
INX Media Case: Chidambaram Faces Arrest Threat; CBI, ED Teams Visit His Residence In Delhi
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
20 Aug 2019 05:50 PM (IST)
The agencies, however, did not find the Congress leader, who is facing a threat of arrest in the corruption and money laundering case, at his residence.
Images: PTI/ ANI
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