New Delhi: The adopted daughter of Dera chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim, Honeypreet Insan has been sent to six days police remand by Panchkula court on Wednesday.

The court's order came just a day after, on Tuesday evening, when Honeypreet was arrested.

Here are five interesting facts about Honeypreet Insan:

  • Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh adopted his confidante Priyanka Taneja as his daughter and gave her the name Honeypreet in 2009.

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  • Honeypreet Insan claims herself to be a director who started her career with MSG 2 The Messenger.

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  • Honeypreet Insan claims herself to be a philanthropist.

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  • "Honeypreet Insan excelled as an editor too while assisting her dad during the editing of MSG – The Messenger and its sequel MSG 2," claims her website.

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  • Honeypreet Insan also claims herself to be an actress."Honeypreet Insan is although not a born actor but she managed to learn acting skills without any professional course of acting. All credits goes to her Dad for unveiling the acting skills in her and train her so well that she can stand at par with renowned professional actors. She started her acting career with debut in MSG 2 —The Messenger and later gave special appearance in MSG-The Warrior Lion Heart," read her website

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