Kashmir: The army claimed to have foiled an infiltration bid in Nowgam sector of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district and forced infiltrating militants not only to retreat but inflict fatal injuries without firing a bullet.

The army released photographs of the spot where a group of militants tried to infiltrate into the Indian side, as it was not covered by the border fence. But, innovate and basic hunting traps, army not only managed to thwart the bid but also injured one militant.

On close inspection of the photographs, it is clearly seen that a hunting style trip trap, armed with wooden spikes has been released when the infiltrators walked past a group of trees.

According to sources, the trap poked at least one infiltrator in the chest causing grave injuries, which can be verified from the picture of the jacket recovered from the spot. The jacket has a hole in the chest with blood spots all across it indicating fatal injuries.

While PRO defence has issued a statement on the bid saying that a patrolling party of the Tootmaar Gali (TMG) border in Nowgam spotted a group of infiltrators trying to infiltrate into this side of the Line of Control on the night of 3rd June.  On being challenged, the infiltrators retrieved back under the cover of darkness and inclement weather.

However, it remains silent on the smart and simple measures being taken by jawans To outsmart the militants.

Army says that after the failed attempt, the infiltrators left behind their rucksacks with winter clothing, batteries and other equipment to be used for their attempted crossing of the fence.

Though border across J&K is equipped with highly advanced and sophisticated anti-infiltration devices including thermal scanners, electric fences, imaging radars and drones but a simple a hunting trap is now being used as a more effective tool.